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How much does a deep home cleaning cost?

How much does a deep home cleaning cost?

When hiring a cleaning company for the first time, you’ll probably have to commit to a deep cleaning. This is required by most companies for their new clients first cleaning, reason being, the company has no entire clue what’s waiting for them in said home. First impressions are a big deal in these types of businesses, and most of the time, the first impression starts at the moment you explain the cleanliness situation on the phone to the company’s rep and continues the moment the cleaning techs enter your home. That’s why having a long open conversation with customers is definitely a must for the phone sales rep. 

Difference of Regular Cleaning and Deep Cleaning

Deep cleanings are specially designed to remove deep dirt and grime found in your home while regular cleanings are intended to maintain a particular level of cleanliness. Typically, deep cleanings cover areas that are not included in regular cleanings and will take a lot more time. Regular cleanings are also known as standard and/or basic cleanings. 

Regular or standard cleanings include vacuuming floors, organizing (not all cleaning businesses include this), sweeping, mopping, disinfecting and cleaning rooms and surfaces. While deep cleanings include all mentioned in the standard cleaning plus cleaning soap scum from the shower head, cleaning areas behind appliances such as refrigerator, oven, television and/or washing machine, dusting baseboards and doors, cleaning interior windows, etc.

What exactly impacts on house cleaning costs?

The size of the home has a lot to do with the value of the job. Some companies decide to charge extra fees when the house is over 3000 square feet. Several firms even charge by number of rooms and bathrooms and don’t even use hours as a consideration to the cost. A deep cleaning in a 5 bedroom home that is 4000 sq. ft is going to take much more longer than a cleaning in a 5 bedroom that’s just 2900 sq. ft. Businesses will almost always ask about the square footage when providing an estimate or a quote and that’s even more important when the customer chooses a deep cleaning instead of a regular cleaning. 

The type of company you select also has an influence in the cost of the deep cleaning. Some cleaning companies agree to negotiating a flat price, while others stick strictly to their original prices. Cheap can end up very expensive at the end. What also has an impact on the company’s cost is their experience. A business with a great reputation and plenty of knowledge will be much more expensive than a business that’s just starting, or that doesn’t have a high enough standing in your local area. Most customers go with cheaper companies while others prefer to go with more expensive businesses knowing that their house is in better hands. 

If the house is too dirty, the labor might cost a bit more. For example: there are houses that have been vacant for a very long time, and you can’t just call it a move in/out cleaning because that’s not enough. A move in/out cleaning is exactly what it sounds like. That does not mean the cleaning techs will move items around. It means the cleaning is going to take place in a fully or partially empty house. These houses, as mentioned before, can be way too dirty to be considered just a move in/out cleaning so the techs also might need to deep clean these houses. So, for example: we have a recurring customer and all of a sudden they decide they’re moving. Their house was cleaned just 2 weeks ago and now they are requesting a move in/out cleaning. We, of course, already know the condition and state of this house and definitely know that they will not be needing a deep cleaning. There are other customers, sometimes new, and sometimes none recurrent and they need a move in/out cleaning for a house, for instance, that hasn’t been cleaned for months, or even years. In a time and place like this, the price would be much more expensive than any other typical move in/out or deep cleaning. 

The demand in the area you live will also have an effect on rates. This goes for just about anything you buy or any type of business you hire and it really doesn’t have to apply just for the cleaning company you go with but can also go for the gardener you hire for your home. Not all cities have the same demand and not all cities charge the same. Almost every agency charges what looks and seems right in the area they function. 

Not only does demand in your local area manipulate the rates but also does the location of your home. Some companies, not all, might charge more if they have to travel further to service you. This depends, of course, on the company you choose and most likely, if it’s a company with a high reputation, you’ll be paying an extra fee if you live a little bit too far.

Housekeepers and/or the businesses they work with might actually end up requesting more money if there are pets or kids living in the home. Young ones or pets can make extremely huge messes and much larger messes than adults. Not in all cases, but in a lot. These type of messes can take much more time that other typical deep cleanings.

Keep in mind that hiring a service/company is much more expensive than hiring an individual. Companies have a lot to cover with your payment. They cover insurance costs, the cleaning techs salary, marketing, advertisements, etc. Individuals do not have to worry about all that. But yes, if you’re wondering, it’s preferable that you choose a company and not an individual. 

What is the actual rate of a home deep cleaning?

Hourly rates for deep cleanings average around $50-$100 per hour. Other firms that use flat rates can charge between $200-$500 for a deep cleaning. There are a lot of factors to keep in mind in order to understand the pricing of the deep cleaning such as the size of the home, the company you go with, the state of the home, the demand of your local area, etc. 

Let’s say you end up going with the company that charges by the hour. So if it’s a 1200 sq. ft home or less you’re probably looking for around 2 to 3.5 hours or less, 2200 sq. ft home: around 3 to 4.5, and 3200 sq. ft: around 5 hours or more. If you choose the company that charges flat fees, rates are most likely going to fall under the same estimate.

Normally, teams of 2 or more will be provided. At times, you can even expect a team of 3 or 4. This just depends on the size of the house and is practiced to reduce time at a home. 

Regular cleaning’s rates can come down to as much as 50% less than a deep cleaning. You can start to get standard cleanings right after the first cleaning you receive from the business. The best part of it all is that after that first cleaning, most companies offer recurring discounts. So as long as you execute a continuous cleaning every 2 weeks, for example, you will always get a discount of approximately 15% on your cleaning. Discount amounts depend on if you end up choosing weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Needless to say, the more recurring your cleanings, the more of a discount you’ll receive. 

Deep cleanings are recommended to take place every 3 or 6 months. If there is someone with allergies living in your home, you should consider monthly or every 6 weeks. Deep cleaning carpets and windows can be done once a year. These are big projects, they take a lot of time and are not as necessary as a house cleaning is. In some cases, some homes might need deep cleanings more frequently but that depends on the people that live in the home. When not in need of a deep cleaning, and if you don’t have spare time, always do contact the company who did your initial cleaning to back you up in recurring cleanings. 

Deep Cleanings with Our Company

Our company falls right in the rates mentioned.

Here are the pricing ranges we use:

1 bed/1 bath apartment: $215

2 bed/2 bath apartment: $265

3 bed/3 bath apartment: $315

For homes with over 3700 sq. ft you’re looking at paying around $840 for your first deep cleaning. It can be expensive, but it can be very beneficial to you, your family and your peers. To see more pricing, you can check out our website, fill out the booking form’s first step and that’ll lead you to the second step where you’ll see everything you need to know about pricing and customizing your cleaning.


Can't decide if you need a deep cleaning or a regular cleaning? No problem. Keep in mind the following. 

  1. Did anything out of the normal happen in your home and caused it to be dirty ? If yes, you should consider getting a deep cleaning.

  2. First cleaning with us? Yes? A deep cleaning should solve the problem.

  3. Want surfaces that are not seen at your simple eyesight cleaned? Yes? Deep cleanings will almost always clean surfaces that we can not see at first, but have to move things around in order to see.

Deep cleanings are not so cheap, but are definitely worth the time and money. Who doesn’t enjoy a clean, comfortable, cozy house? I know I do. There’s nothing more refreshing than knowing every corner of your house is perfectly clean.