Starting a Cleaning Business Checklist

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Thinking about starting up a cleaning business? The reason many business owners consider this type of service is they are seeing exceptional probability in cleaning service industry, regardless of whether you need to work in individuals' homes or on a business level. The startup of a cleaning company seems to be the starting point of any private company.

First of all, you have to ensure this sort of work is right for you before you decide to start your cleaning business. Cleaning is exceptionally a hard job. You should have great client connection abilities and of course you should have essential office aptitudes and some bookkeeping abilities.

You also need to find out all of the cleaning business aspects. From client service to advertising, the charges, taxes, employees, insurance, how professional cleaning of a home works. Obviously, it is completely different to clean your own home and to do professional cleaning and figuring out how to clean professionally takes a great deal of time. Since customers are paying for your service, it is expected that they will return home seeing your flawless and spotless work.

So here are some checklists for starting your cleaning business:

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1.      Decide whether you are a commercial or consumer company. You can choose from services that are mainly available for commercial or residential spaces when you start your cleaning business. The customers you choose will determine what equipment you need and how much the cleaning services are charged. The nightly or weekend-only style of the cleaning of commercial premises, such as office building, is usually required. This type of service frequently includes floors, bathroom cleaning; emptying of trash can, cleaning of kitchen areas and washing doors and windows. This kind of work is constant and well worthwhile. Householder hires staff to perform general cleaning and usually customer-specific tasks. Cleaners often work at home during the client's stay. Managing your business to clean residential services means having a variety of customers as most homes have to be cleaned only once a week.

Commercial and residential Cleaning business services are booming, and one of the most rated home cleaning services in Seattle is Seattle’s Green Cleaning Fairy, which offers 100% safe organic cleaning products.

2.      Identify what services you would like to offer. Not all cleaning services are all- round; certain companies specialize in a single cleaning type. Think about your skills and what niche you can fill in your community when you decide which services you want to offer. Here are some kinds of services that can be considered:

a.      Janitorial services

b.      Carpet cleaning

c.       Floor waxing

d.      Window washing services

e.      Private residence maid services

f.     Services for Organic cleaning

3.      Choose a best location. Your business has to operate out of a space, whether that's a room in your house or a commercial space you decide to lease. There are pros and cons to each type of space, so think carefully about your needs before making a decision. With a commercial space, you can meet customers in a professional environment. Then you also can actually set up a desk with comfortable chairs where you can sit down and classify your services. You won't be paying for a commercial space if you work out of your own home. You save even more money, but the cleaning equipment must be safely stored in your house and shopfront will help you to promote your brand and build it. For everyone driving past to see, you'll be able to show your name and logo.

4.      Pick a name. You're definitely going to want something sound and look professional, attractive, and of course catchy. Make it more interesting and web search friendly so your company pops up when people try to look for the services you provide. To use your name, layout a logo. Make it look traditional and minimalist, as you need to print it your name and logo on business cards, and use it in other promotional materials on your website.

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5.      Set up an account for a corporate bank. You also have to set up your cleaning company's bank account. This should be a separate savings or checking account for yourself.

6.      Get licenses or permits for business. You will need to purchase these before opening your company to customers if you require any kind of business licenses or permits. Your local Chamber of Commerce can assist you in obtaining and maintaining licenses and permits. If you hire staff, get the identification number of the employer (EIN) and complete the correct taxation forms.

7.      Safeguard your insurance policy for cleaning. You will probably also need to buy a liability insurance policy for your cleaning company. This is particularly the case if you have your employees who are at risk of injury at work. You will also have to ask about the purchase of compensation insurance for workers.

8.      Get capital from start-ups. Since a cleaning company is an on-site physical services company in client properties, some basic fundamental things are necessary to start up with this type of company. Save all the funds to secure these items or create a mortgage arrangement that will allow you with a lower overhead to begin your cleaning service.

9.      Hire a billing officer or CPA. An accountant or CPA will also have to be hired. Although your cleaning company is expected to start small, corporate taxes differ from personal taxes. Therefore, in handling your tax returns, you may request the help of a tax professional. This will also help you set up an accounting system. You will have to follow up on what your customers owe by sending them payment invoices. Make your customers aware that you expect prompt payment and track who has paid and still owes you money.


10. Get your cleaning equipment ready. You will have to buy equipment such as floor cleaning, trash bag, industrial vacuum cleaners and the like to set up your business, depending on which services you offer. Get extremely heavy-duty machinery that can go on for several years and can last a lot. Make sure that you and any employees that you hire for this business have the right safety cleaning equipment. If you handle toxic cleaning chemicals, gloves and masks are an absolute necessity. For heavy-duty equipment, try renting out the equipment for the first few weeks so that you can make sure before making a purchase that it is according to your standards.

11. Purchase a car from the company. This one is actually not necessary when staring up this kind of business, but one thing you need to consider and invest on. For transport to and from your cleaning jobs, you will need a car, truck or van. You can use vehicles from the employer or from another company, however, if not, you will have to rent or purchase your own company vehicle. In order to provide customers with cleaning services, dependable transport is essential.

12. Outsource of hire workers as needed. In cleaning services, the owner does the entire job because cleaning does not need many hands. It is possible to start cleaning services as sole proprietorship. But you may need to employ more people as your business grows. Make sure that you are aware of all the legal requirements in this process. And make sure you also know your employees.

13. Create a structure for pricing. Find out how much you can charge for your services you are making a profit from the costs of labor, materials and overall costs. Also do additional research to help determine the global standard for services like floor cleaning and sanitary service. You can negotiate pricing with each new customer, but it's good to have a basic principle in mind so you can stay afloat in this business.

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14. Market your business and advertise it. Market your business and advertise it. Of course your company won't make money without customers regardless of how great your services are. You will therefore have to market your services. It can be done in numerous ways, including on-line promotions, social media marketing, radio, television, daily ads, mails and coupons. In actively promoting this type of business, leaflets also work really well. Many potential customers often see a flyer posted in a trafficked area such as a widely popular grocer. Offer deals to first time customers. Set up a Facebook and Twitter account for your company's advertising. Make sure you have your services and contact information on a professional website.

In general, in just a few weeks, you are generally able to get your cleaning business up and running. In other words, you can also see income in a short time. Since these types of companies generally require very little initial capital expenditure, you should operate quite quickly in the profit zone.

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