Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy

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Advantages of Green Cleaning in Seattle

Going green is one of the most recent eco-paradigm shifts affecting both private and public sectors worldwide. The world begins to see the essence of the preservation of Mother Nature's remaining resources in the current influx of natural catastrophe which is destroying property and lives, from floods to typhoons, hurricanes and tsunamis. Green products are now the latest items to gain in popularity all over the world in terms of sustainable living and money saving.

Green cleaning means using cleaning solutions and methods which maintain a healthy environment for us and our mother nature. Green cleaning can be done in a way that reduces waste by using an all-natural cleaning product.

Green cleaning means for certain homes that they only clean the surfaces of their house using substances such as baking soda, vinegar and lemons. These cleaners are natural green. Some houses can look for manufactured, eco-friendly green cleaning products. You may want to prevent phosphates, chlorine, artificial fragrances and artificial colors when using a product for green cleaning. Many cleaners are now also being marketed as biodegradable on the market.

Other cleaners have organically grown or produced ingredients using sustainable agricultural methods. Certain products for green cleaning may certify the fair trade of their products, meaning that those who produce them are in compliance with certain environmental and labor standards. Green products may not be free of preservatives or harmful chemicals–they may use recycled products or give environmental benefits to a portion of their profits. All these are examples of products for green cleaning.

There are various branding programs that categorize cleaning products to know if a product is green. The United States Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA) Design for the Environment program identifies products that comply with EPA’s criteria for chemical. These goods display the Design for Environment (DfE) brand.

There has been some discussion in the past years as to whether or not green cleaning products are as safe as conventional cleaners. For instance, it is essential to have an effective product when it comes to killing germs and stopping the spread of infection. In those instances, some people stopped using green cleaners and kept on using their preferred cleaners such as bleach. Green cleaning products are also back-lashed as they are more expensive than conventional cleaning products.

Whatever cleaning supplies and practices you make, for the people interested in green cleaning; there are a wide varied range of environmental friendly choices. You could green up your home cleaning routine with a small amount of research so you and others can create a healthier, safer environment.

Here are the advantages of why you should switch and start using eco-friendly cleaning products in your home.

1.   Healthier Home

Studies have shown that using a household cleaning spray raises the risk of developing asthma, even if only once a week. The health benefit of using green cleaners includes family people who are no longer breathing toxic cleaners loitering in the air. They say that using green cleaning products can lessen the chances of developing asthma in which today is the most common chronic sickness and the predominant cause of school absences for the children due to the chronic illness across the country. You will absolutely feel better with green cleaning products. Contrary to using traditional cleaning products, you know that what you are using won’t harm you, your family and even your pets. Imagine all those hazardous chemicals in traditional cleaning products such as neurotoxins, carcinogens, teratogens, mutagens and endocrine disrupters, switching to natural green cleaning products is really a good decision.


2.  Safer Home

The traditional cleaning products may cause a lot of harm to you and your family. They are a high-risk to the cleaners. It may result to chemical burns to the cleaner’s skin and eyes. As opposed to natural green cleaning products, they are not corrosive and meet meticulous standards in regards to inhalation toxicity, flammability and skin absorption.

3.  Clean up Your Indoor Air

Using traditional or conventional cleaning products can promote higher pollution rates indoors than outdoors. These traditional cleaning products are mostly the cause of many health problems like damage to liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. When you use green cleaning products you will no longer have a problem thinking what damage can a these conventional products could to your health.


4.  Environment Friendly

When you decide to use green cleaning products, you are voting to protect the environment - our mother nature. The majority of ideal green cleaning products are made from sustainable and natural, safe, non-toxic, biodegradable ingredients that do not adversely affect the environment. On the contrary, some conventional cleaning products contain toxic, hazardous, non-biodegradable ingredients and have an adverse effect on the Mother Earth's eco-systems.


5.  Money Saver

If you are anxious with money saving, then green products are the best answer. Compared to buying conventional cleaning products, green cleaning products are very handy. Why go out and buy expensive cleaning products when you can use things that you already have in your home. Like for home cleaning, you can use vinegar, baking soda, olive oil and lemon – that’s worth saving pennies and dollars for you. You can also make your own green cleaning products or save money by buying eco-friendly all-purpose cleaner that do multiple jobs.


6.  Better Air Quality

Most people can no longer stand the smell of strong chemicals. Many green cleaning products including the one you bought from the store or the ones that you made at home includes pleasant natural essential oils – yes, you can definitely mix your favorite essential oils for green cleaning products that you are going to make.


7.   Personal Property Lasts Longer

Conventional cleaning products are full of chemical substances. Most of them are extremely harsh, many of which we never heard about. These chemicals often reduce your furniture's useful life or the shape and shine of your furniture or even clothing. Green cleaning products, by contrast, tend to be gentler and help to maintain the life of your belongings.


8.  Less Antibacterial

The "antibacterial" label is generally favored by people. They believe that they can prevent spread of germs more effectively. Most of the antibacterial products use triclosan that has been associated with allergies, irritation of the skin, breathing problems, hormone disruption, and bacterial antibiotic resistance. And for that reason, triclosan was recently banned in the United States. After studies showed that washing with antibacterial soaps does not do any better than the use of regular soap and warm running water. Green cleaning products, by contrast, use natural substances, such as eucalyptus, tea tree and lemongrass, with inherent antibacterial properties.

9.   Know What’s in Your Product

Cleaning products manufacturers are not required to disclose ingredients by the US government; however, many green cleaning companies make the policy completely transparent, whilst conventional cleaning manufacturers are not allowed to list only a portion of the ingredient. An expert mentioned that, this is one of the good benefits of going green, you can make your own products at home so you know exactly what the ingredients in your cleaning recipes are.


10. Create Your Own Cleaning Products

You can be creative by making some of your own green cleaning products such as aromatherapy cleanser with eco-friendly green cleaning ingredients and supplies. This may not only be money-saving, but also can save your time going out to buy your cleaning supplies and the best part is you can customize your products to suit your needs by using different natural ingredients. And who knows, this can also make you money, by selling your very own green cleaning products.

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